Aqua Clear serves the Light Industrial market including microelectronics, molding, precision metal fabrication, and metal finishing. Major uses of water within this market include process, process cleaning, sanitation, washdown, boilers, and cooling towers.
With an eye on “One Water” solutions, Aqua Clear has many programs and capabilities to provide our clients with peace of mind while:
- the water supplied to their processes and utilities continuously achieve the quality demanded by their production.
- their assets (boilers, cooling towers, process equipment) are protected.
- they save on makeup water and minimize wastewater surcharges.
- they have buffered themselves against the escalating price and diminishing allocation of fresh water.
Aqua Clear engineers, design and manufactures industrial filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultra-pure systems specific to the incoming feed water quality and the product water quality required for each client.
Aqua Clear provides preventative maintenance, remote monitoring, and field service repairs of existing water treatment equipment and a membrane healthcare program to extend the life of RO membranes.
Aqua Clear offers complete chemical treatment and service programs that extend the life of Boilers, Cooling Towers and HVAC closed loops while reducing the use of water and energy.
Aqua Clear has the knowledge and equipment for onsite reclamation of process wastewater using technologies such as ultrafiltration, electrodialysis reversal, and ion exchange. Potential onsite nonpotable reuse applications include reuse in the process(es), washdown, irrigation, boilers and cooling towers.
Aqua Clear will assist in identifying and applying for the rebates, incentives and tax breaks appropriate to the project that are available from the local and regional water and energy utilities.
For more information on how we may be able to assist you contact an Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialist today. Our staff can help identify and troubleshoot any inefficiencies that are occurring in your water treatment system to help you save on capital and operating costs.