Process wastewater can be used as source of feedwater for nonpotable applications after proper treatment. The composition of process wastewater varies from industry to industry. Contaminants such as suspended solids, inorganics, metals and acids are often found in wastewater from Light Industrial (e.g. microelectronics, precision metal fabrication, metal finishing) and Aerospace industries. Whereas, wastewater from Food Processing and Chemical industries can include suspended solids, dissolved solids and high organic content (BOD/COD).
Conventional wastewater treatment processes include neutralization, clarification/DAF and biological digestion.
Aqua Clear has the knowledge and equipment for onsite reclamation of process wastewater. Using Aqua Clear’s portfolio of flocculants and coagulants, clients are able to improve the recovery and quality of effluent from clarifiers and DAFs for reuse within their facility. For even higher recovery of wastewater, Aqua Clear manufacturers technologies such as membrane bioreactors (MBR), ultrafiltration (UF) and disinfection (UV, chlorine).
For more information on how we may be able to assist you contact an Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialist today. Our staff can help identify and troubleshoot any inefficiencies that are occurring in your water treatment system to help you save on capital and operating costs.