Rising costs and water shortages are causing Facility Plant Managers and Engineers to rethink their wasted water and find ways to Recycle and Reuse Wastewater. Aqua Clear works closely with Plant Managers and Facility Engineers to identify opportunities to filter and recycle greywater to be used for any application.
Benefits of Wastewater Reuse
Save Costs and Energy with Wastewater Reuse
Overhead is one of the largest expenses for many facilities, including energy and water costs. Finding ways to reduce those costs by reusing wasted water helps companies be more competitive with lower end prices for their customers. Heat transfer that is generated from the wastewater effluent, or outward flow, can be used to help warm other systems within the facility further reducing energy costs. Purifying and recycling water and using it for non-potable applications such as flushing toilets, landscape irrigation or pre-wash in a sanitation process helps by minimizing the need for fresh water.
Capture Byproducts from Wastewater Reuse
Some companies find byproducts captured during the purification process can generate profits. Many industries find ways their waste can be processed to extract and harvest a variety of raw materials for use in other products. Plastics, pulp and animal feed have been created from otherwise wasted byproducts. Aqua Clear has a team of engineering specialists that can help any commercial or agricultural facility implement a cost and energy saving wastewater reuse system that maximizes the use of byproducts and reimagines the possibilities of your waste.
Environmental Benefits of Wastewater Reuse
You don’t need to open a history book and read about the Dust Bowl to know that water is in great demand and short supply. Water is the most important raw material that every human, product and environment require. Reducing the use of fresh water starts with a wastewater reuse plan designed by Aqua Clear. Our engineers can design a wastewater system that uses energy created from heat transfer, saving energy costs, while reducing greenhouse gasses. A water treatment plan designed by Aqua Clear will meet your State’s regulations for drain water and address any incentives or rebates being offered. You can be sure that you are getting the most cost-effective solution for your facility or agricultural application while ensuring the water going into local streams, waterways and habitats will be clean and sustain for generations to come.
Wastewater Reuse Opportunities
Types of Wastewater
Most Commercial facilities and Agricultural Industries can benefit from wastewater reuse. Wastewater reuse (also referred to water reuse or water recycling) involves the onsite capture and proper treatment of process wastewater, sewage (black water) graywater (from floor drains, sinks, washers, showers), rainwater/storm water, and boiler condensate or cooling tower blowdown.
Industries Benefiting from Wastewater Reuse
The composition of process wastewater varies from industry to industry. Contaminants such as suspended solids, inorganics, metals and acids are often found in wastewater from Aerospace industries and Light Industrial applications such as microelectronics, precision metal fabrication, metal finishing. Wastewater from Food Processing and Chemical Industries can include suspended solids, dissolved solids and high organic content (BOD/COD).
Aqua Clear works with companies such as product manufacturers, food producers, breweries and agricultural industries. Our engineers can help any indoor or outdoor facility design a system to reclaim water for all non-potable applications such as washdown, irrigation, boilers, chillers and cooling towers. Some other reuse possibilities can include tank rinses, bottle rinses, packaging and clean-in-place skids.
Wastewater Reuse Products
Aqua Clear has the knowledge and equipment for onsite reclamation of process wastewater. Using our portfolio of Chemistry including our custom designed line of coagulants and flocculants, clients can improve the recovery and quality of effluent, or out going water.
For even higher recovery of wastewater, Aqua Clear manufacturers technologies including the following equipment:
Depending on the type of wastewater and the desired reuse application(s), Aqua Clear will select the most appropriate technology and may combine it with downstream technologies such as reverse osmosis to remove dissolved solids (TSS) and Ultraviolet Disinfection to remove pathogens (bacteria).
Pilot Testing 
Aqua Clear also custom manufactures pilot test skids specific to the needs and requirements of our clients for their onsite techno-economic evaluation of the technology using their own site wastewater. The data is valuable for full size scalup to treat the intended daily flowrates.
Depending on the type of wastewater and the desired reuse application(s). Aqua Clear will select the most appropriate technology and may combine it with downstream technologies such as reverse osmosis to remove dissolved solids (TSS) and UV or Ozone Disinfection to remove pathogens or bacteria.
Financial Incentives
- defining opportunities for water and energy savings thru reusing/recycling process water within the process,
- calculating the Return on Investment (ROI) for implementing water reuse opportunities
- providing technical expertise and equipment for the water reuse project
- identifying rebates and incentives, and
- navigating the regulatory and permitting process (e.g. FDA, USDA)
Regional utilities and local municipalities provide financial incentives (such as reimbursing project costs, rebates, tax breaks) to commercial and industrial firms for installing water- or energy-efficient equipment. Aqua Clear provides assistance to clients in coordinating with these agencies to complete eligibility criteria.