At Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialists, we understand that optimized chemistry goes a long way into reduced energy and operation costs. Our goal is to minimize our client’s total water usage using the best possible combinations of chemistry possible for the specific application. Aqua Clear has reverse osmosis membrane healthcare services to wastewater reuse applications including dissolved air flotation and clarifier chemistry.

Membrane Healthcare
Aqua Clear Water Treatment Specialists formulates our own line of specialty chemistry created to optimize system recoveries and maximize membrane life.
Pretreatment Chemistry
Aqua Clear has a line of pretreatment chemistries that are designed to clarify even the toughest source waters to RO feed quality for processing.

Clarifier & Dissolved Air Flotation Chemistry
Aqua Clear has a specially formulated line of reverse osmosis membrane compatible coagulants and flocculants used in clarifiers and dissolved air flotation units. Our coagulants and flocculants are designed to be low dose for a high economical value.